Free Audiobooks:
"7 Steps to Selling a House in 7 Days"

You can download and listen these audio-books from Real Estate Guru Trace Trajano absolutely free! Just type your name and email address.

* Required

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ten Steps to Awaken Your Financial Geniuses from the Book "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

This not really comes from me but anyway this a great chunks of information that is worth sharing for. You can go to this link for complete details:

Ten Steps to Awaken Your Financial Genius:
1. Find a reason greater than reality, a big dream. Think of the freedom, the lifestyle wherein you control your own time. Think of what you don’t want, i.e. “I don’t like being an employee”.

2. Use the power of choice, daily. You can choose to watch MTV, or watch CNBC. It’s how you choose to use your time and energy everyday that brings financial success in the long run.

3. Choose your friends carefully. It pays to have friends who are focused and achieving their goals. Surround yourself with friends you can learn from.

4. Master a formula. Learn a new one, and learn fast.

5. Pay yourself first. Practice self-discipline by keeping expenses low. Tenants can pay for your expenses if you rent out apartments or mini-storage, for instance. Savings are used for investing and creating more money, not for paying bills.

6. Pay your broker well. Attorneys, accountants, stockbrokers, and real estate brokers will have more incentive to work harder for you. If they make more money, it means you make more money as well. 3-7% is a good incentive.

7. Be an Indian giver. It’s the concept behind ROI. (Return on investment) Invest and then take the initial money out after a time when the investment has earned for you.

8. Buy luxuries last. Let the income from your growing assets afford you the new car. Wait for your asset base to grow first. Middle class people buy luxuries first, on credit.

9. Find yourself a hero. When you play golf you can imagine you are Tiger Woods. When you do business, you can ask yourself, “What would George Soros have done if he was in my place right now?”

10. Teach and you shall receive. As in money, love, or friendship. If you give without expecting anything in return, you receive more.

P.S. The Rich Dad Poor Dad was the book that inspired Trace Trajano to teach real estate investing and help  people  achieved financial goals in life. This coming January 29 and 30 is the next Think Rich Quick Seminar in Cebu. As of now you can go to our sub-affiliate page for more info.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


This is from Patric Chan, an international speaker, author and a business entrepreneur.His a native from Malaysia and had shared the stage with many millionaires and world-class speakers in 11 countries and co-authored a book with authors like Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Robert Kiyosaki, T Harv Eker, etc.
  1. Picture Yourself Already Achieving Your Goal
  2. Model Other Successful People
  3. Believe in Your Abilities
  4. Have A Purpose
  5. Organize Yourself
  6. Understand Your Goals
  7. Write Objectives Down
  8. Create a Plan of Action
  9. Use a Checklist
  10. Tackle One Goal at a Time
Want a clearer explanation, here's the pdf version of this article, click here for this free e-book.

P.S. Ten Simple Formulas For Success e-book is one of the bonuses that we will give to our ticket buyer of the next Think Rich Quick Seminar in Cebu. If you want those freebies absolutely free, then be our sub-affiliates and refer at least one successful for me to give you those very same bonuses. Below is the screen shot of my computer compiling these 900+MB of e-books and audios which can help you in having a entrepreneurial mind-set, some about personal development and personal lifestyle.I will add more helpful files for your success.
P.P.S. Aside from bonuses, I will also give you 75% of our commission for every sales which means that you will earn more than us. Our vision is to create one million millionaire by 2020 and we're willing to give you all of these because your help is much more important. For more information, go to our sub-affiliates page. See the image below.

Just look at upper portion of this blog.

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Brain For Entrepreneurs

As I try to explore the net, I found something interesting that might also caught yours. This blog (Think Rich Quick Seminar Cebu) is a site for the next Think Rich Quick Seminar in Cebu but I think this may helps. This is about how our brain works, how to achieve what you called "The Brain for Entrepreneurs". This presentation is from Maya Elhalal Levavi.

Monday, November 22, 2010

It First Started In a Book: Have a Glimpse of the Think Rich Quick Ebook Version

During one of my days at work, as an engineer who works in a manufacturing company. One day I got bored and searched in the computer for something---an e-book to read, music to listen to or games just to cure my boredom (yap, I'm not a perfect employee and I used to goofed up sometimes).

Then I accidentally found this e-book entitled "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki. So instead of playing games what I did is I read the book for about three days as I can remember. I was not a fast reader so it really took many some time to read a book but anyway, this open-up my mind on the way I think about money. Some of the profound principles Robert talks about is "Pay yourself first" and "Let your money work hard for you". If you read my last blog post, I gave a link on how to download that e-book. That is the very e-book I said that I have read and if you miss that then I will give it to you again. Here:

That was also the book that was read by Trace Trajano which also enlightened him as well with so many people in the world including me. So what Trace Trajano did was he co-authored a book with Larry Gamboa about how to do the principles of the "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" book in the Philippines.

"Think Rich Quick" book was born and since then many Filipino was inspired and some made millions of peso just by following the book. But I believed a book is just a first step, maybe its enough but the way to far more success is to be mentored by these people who had done what we want to achieved in the future. They know the do's and don't's and they had a huge networks of people who can refer you so you can closed your first real estate deal.

So a book is a great start that's why I recommended that you read the "Think Rich Quick" book if you have not yet read Think Rich Quick. If you don't know were to buy the physical, maybe a virtual one will do like an e-book. Below is the first chapter of the book and if you're convinced that this is worth reading for, then buy one in this site. >>>Just click here<<<

Think Rich Quick E-book

P.S. In this site which is the official store you can by the book online(just click), because of overwhelming demand, the physical book was sold out so you're only choice is the e-book version.

P.S.2. As I said, a book is a good start so if you already did read Think Rich Quick, then you're ready to attend the next Think Rich Quick Seminar that will be held in Cebu.

P.S.3. If you think you're too far away from Cebu, then maybe you can help us spread the word and be our affiliate. We're giving away Php750 commission. Our main commission is Php1k so 75% is all yours plus once you sell at least one ticket. I will also give to you the same bonus that I will gave to my buyer. You had nothing to lose but your time and effort in helping us promote this event. If interested just contact me and I'll send you the details.

Contact Me:
Michael Dumlao
YMT Realty Marketing Manager

Mobile Number: +639217388781

Email Address:

Freebies just by reading this!!!!

Yesterday, Sir Trace Trajano announces that we had to do some marketing for the upcoming Think Rich Quick Seminar in Cebu. Yes, indeed in Cebu as the title of this blog had said. I firmly believe in this seminar 'cause I'm one of the living proof how this seminar had changed my life forever!!!

Last October 23 and 24, 2010. I got nothing to show when it comes to real estate investing. But now (November 22, 2010) as I'm typing this blog post, Our team---YMT Realty team start to made some deal and get so many networks who had extensive knowledge in real estate investing. Barely only one month had passed and here we are from absolutely zero experience in real estate to someone who is doing the real thing. Here are some of our current deals at our website--- and some of them were already closed deal!!!

So I won't go any further, I want to get your help. I need more affiliates to this event.

I had a proposal to make, if you're is interested. You can be our affiliates in this event and I will give you a Php750 peso commission for every sales you made. Actually our FULL COMMISSION is Php1k and we're willing to sacrifice 75% of that to you. That's how I believed in that event, maybe you're wondering why. Well, if you promote that event, we can build networks with other people and give us more credibility as a legitimate real estate investors. And just like Sir Trace Trajano, I also want to help you and this is for now the least that I can do. I'm still learning but the good thing is I act on the things I had learned. I will also give you the freebies that I will give to the buyers once you sell at least one ticket from us.

P.S. You might think this is a long and tiring message to read. But if you do, I can assure you that your time is not wasted. I want to thank you for giving your time to this. I really feel so generous that I will give something that might helps in your road to financial freedom.

  • Here's the an e-book version "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki, the book that changed the way how we think about money. This book changed my life and even Sir Trace Trajano so why don't you if you not yet read this. Personally, I still preferred reading the real book but if you don't have one yet, well this digital version is a good start. Below is the link for free ebook:

  • Here's another ebook, a classic one, entitled "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. I think this book is the one that inspires Larry Gamboa to write the books "Think Rich Pinoy" and "Grow Rich Pinoy". If you don't know Larry Gamboa, I suggest you just google him. His one of the speakers in the last TRQ Seminars.Below is the link for the free ebook:

P.P.S. I you want to learn more about the event---Thick Rich Quick Cebu, like the price rates, the exact place in Cebu. You can leave your comment to this blog post with your email address, subscribe at my email list or email me at Just contact me if you want to be our teams sub-affiliate or you want to buy the tickets or just plainly curious about the event. Just by doing any of those things I will give you the following:
  • Audio books, if you also preferred listening to audiobooks. Also from Robert Kiyosaki,I suggest you download this with a fast internet connection cause this is large file in zip format(68.5MB)
  • Like the saying "The more you give, the more you get" so I will give you more freebies just by reading this. Like I said, I had zero experience in real estate investing before I attended the last Think Rich Quick Seminar. If you already had the experience in Real Estate, well good for you and this might helps you. A compilation of the e-books and audiobooks authored by Trace Trajano. Some techniques, strategies and legal documents needed. If you belong in the email list of Sir Trace, well probably you already had this stuff but if not. You can also download this from the link that I will give to you.

You can also like our facebook page at

P.P.P.S. I was glad to say that I still got plenty to give just to ensure you that you will get more on what you pay for that seminar. I don't know what kind of bonuses Sir Trace will give you aside from our team but I assure you that he will. As of now I'm compiling my loads of freebies just for ticket buyers :)

P.P.P.P..S. WOW!!! That's a lot of P's, LOL. I will give you something again!!! This is not a digital product but a great news to you. Some of the members of our realty team attended the Money Magnet Seminar by John Calub and he is also one of the speakers during the last TRQ Seminar. Maybe, you don't need all the stuff I mentioned above but this is different. One the greatest obstacle in creating wealth is not really money buy on how the way you think about money. Well, this seminar is not about real estate but about mindset which is far more important than the technical know-how. The event is this coming November 27, an Php8k peso event but I will show you how to get a massive discount making that event cost you only Php250. Below is the link to get that event for almost free. That's a great steal just by reading this message, you think so? :)

Contact Me:
Michael Dumlao
YMT Realty Marketing Manager

Mobile Number: +639217388781

Email Address: