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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ten Steps to Awaken Your Financial Geniuses from the Book "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

This not really comes from me but anyway this a great chunks of information that is worth sharing for. You can go to this link for complete details:

Ten Steps to Awaken Your Financial Genius:
1. Find a reason greater than reality, a big dream. Think of the freedom, the lifestyle wherein you control your own time. Think of what you don’t want, i.e. “I don’t like being an employee”.

2. Use the power of choice, daily. You can choose to watch MTV, or watch CNBC. It’s how you choose to use your time and energy everyday that brings financial success in the long run.

3. Choose your friends carefully. It pays to have friends who are focused and achieving their goals. Surround yourself with friends you can learn from.

4. Master a formula. Learn a new one, and learn fast.

5. Pay yourself first. Practice self-discipline by keeping expenses low. Tenants can pay for your expenses if you rent out apartments or mini-storage, for instance. Savings are used for investing and creating more money, not for paying bills.

6. Pay your broker well. Attorneys, accountants, stockbrokers, and real estate brokers will have more incentive to work harder for you. If they make more money, it means you make more money as well. 3-7% is a good incentive.

7. Be an Indian giver. It’s the concept behind ROI. (Return on investment) Invest and then take the initial money out after a time when the investment has earned for you.

8. Buy luxuries last. Let the income from your growing assets afford you the new car. Wait for your asset base to grow first. Middle class people buy luxuries first, on credit.

9. Find yourself a hero. When you play golf you can imagine you are Tiger Woods. When you do business, you can ask yourself, “What would George Soros have done if he was in my place right now?”

10. Teach and you shall receive. As in money, love, or friendship. If you give without expecting anything in return, you receive more.

P.S. The Rich Dad Poor Dad was the book that inspired Trace Trajano to teach real estate investing and help  people  achieved financial goals in life. This coming January 29 and 30 is the next Think Rich Quick Seminar in Cebu. As of now you can go to our sub-affiliate page for more info.

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